Thursday, July 31, 2008

The oRigiN of BeauTY... CaSh!!!

Today I bump into my friend in one shopping mall! Why am I so excited? Well, we didn’t meet each other for approximately 5 years already. After that, we spend almost half day speaking about the things that happen once we lost our contact. Then we went shopping and go through a lot of nice stuffs. Suddenly, he signed and shack his head and said one sentence which made me remember until now. “I guess the most beautiful things in this world should be the lovely yet evil CASH already”

I can’t tell you that whether his piece of mind is applicable for anyone who read this blog, yet we can’t deny the magic power possessed by the MONEY! Then I remembered one of my Uni’s friends told me before that Internet is another heaven for the Money Seeker in current society. People cry to earn through Internet. After some minor research, I found out there was actually variety of way to make money through Internet. 10 ways to make money online

From blogging to profitable social networking and playing games to posting on forums, the internet is a world of moneymaking opportunity. Social Networking, Blogging, Messaging Board, Stock Photograph, Surveys, Games, Freelancing, Poker, Selling Things and also DOING SOME THING CRAZY!!.

According to the 10 types of activities, I guess minor group will go for the last category. Nevertheless, I prefer go for blogging then the survey. The reason is less risky and yet no capital is needed and people now love to blog. However, it will be too time consuming if I have to explain everything about how to earn through blogging. So I introduce some useful web site to let you understand more on your own. I will also provide some recommended website to try it out. (Since it is free, Why NOT?)

This Website provides the basic knowledge about blogging or we call web blogging. You can find a lot of resources inside the website like why people start blogging, how to start blogging and how to market your blog? It really deserves attention from the people who intend to start blogging but have no ideas on how to start.

This will be another long yet significant blog for the so called “beginner blogger” will eager for. This blog provides comprehensive information on the steps, YES a lot of STEPS needed to follow in order to earn through blogging. Within this blog, you will go through 5 lessons. Remember to go through every lesson carefully in order to gain the maximum benefits from it.

Nevertheless, There were a few famous Internet company like Cash fiesta, Visit 4 cash or Treasure trooper. I found that has created a product everyone can benefit from. They pay you while you work or play on your computer. All you need to do is keep their software - the FiestaBar™ - active while you are online. They even pay you when your friends are using their computers. Unlike other companies, Cashfiesta gives you control over how much money you earn. They have an individual payrate based on the number of Special Offers you sign up for. As some of these offers are free, you can increase your payrate up to 33 times without spending a penny. It's free and easy to join and your privacy is completely protected. Here is the link, you may try it out to enjoy and happy money making.

Treasure Trooper is another company which similar to cash fiesta, while they also include the survey part. They also possess a convincing forum to be visited. In the Treasure trooper, member can also buy certain gift like Ipod Nano and X box 360. Believe or not? Try it out.

Another progrom like Visit 4 Cash works as member join, bring referrals and read ads to received cash. Sounds Easy? Shoot it up then.

Another company will be Email CashPro. This web site mainly pay for the member who read their interested e- mails. Still the best thing is FREE to JOIN! If anybody who is interested, can go for the following link to take a look..

There will be more website for every one of us to found out, still these will be the main website for you to try earning cash through online. I hope every one of you can find out the company that suit you most and the most important thing is still HAPPY EARNING!!
